Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Anime recommendation: Berserk

Anime Berserk

It has occurred to me that every time you ask someone about which anime they like or watched, I always (more or less) receive the same names such as Sword art Online, Attack on Titans, Tokyo ghoul ect, and when it comes to long running animes it's always Naruto, Onepiece, fairly tail or bleach. Not that anything wrong with these animes they are brilliant but I am here to show you some other animes that you may not have watched and are just as goods (most of the time)

Berserk (fan-art)

Anime : Berserk

Episodes : 25

Manga : ongoing (currently - 337)

available both on SUB and DUB

released : 1997

IMdB rating : 8.8

This is an old anime which means the graphic quality will be bad, but this SHOULD NOT stop you from watching this anime (you know the old saying "don't judge the book by its cover") and beside it not too bad. Okay lets give you a quick run through this anime (don't worry no spoiler). Our main protagonist Guts (the guys with huge sword on the picture) was brought up by a group of mercenary from birth. He run away from home after killing his guardian in self-defense. Many years later he joins a gang called Band of the Hawk. Kings of different lands hire this gang

Scene: it set in a medieval time where there were lots of wars and conflicted between various different nations, also demons and monsters live and eat humans. Warning lots of bloods and gore scene.

Fight scene: almost all fight scenes use sword fight, arrows and other medieval fighting style, I think there is also some use of magic but limited.

Ending: even thought the manga is a lot longer the 25 episode, I can safely say that this anime has a very satisfying ending. You don't have to read the manga after watch this because all your answers will be answered more or less

Personal rating: 8/10 if you guys like epic fight with lots of uncensored blood and bad ass character then you will love this anime. i will compare this anime with claymore and hellsing. Overall it a really good anime check it out you will not regret it.
Example of the graphic quality in the anime.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Best bot lane combo (in my opinion)

So guys thinking of playing duo ranked or normal game as premade bot lane? Then read on.
By the way to demonstrate the strength of this combo I made a YouTube video:  check it OUT!!!!!

Fire cracker jinx skin
pool party Leona skin
In my opinion i think Jinx and Leona is a very strong combination champion for bot lane. they can go up against any bot lane combination in current meta(patch note 5.3). both of these champions are extremely good and can play with any support or ADC and do well. so lets talk about why i think this combination is so strong.

jinx is not a very mobile ADC compared to other ADC's (such as Lucian, tristana, vain and many more), she relies on her (W) and (E) to escape or catch up-to enemies, therefore she needs a support who can slow or stun the opponent for jinx to do the damage and thats where leona comes in. she's naturally a very tanky champion with lots of stuns and slows from her abilities. both of these champion are fairly easy to play with and their good at all stages of the game. If by any chance they fall behind, they can still be useful because of their hard CC. They have really good level 2 and level 6 all in combo which will get you a kill or a summoner  spell most of the time (unless the jungler interfere).

level 2 combo : Once both jinx and leona reaches level 2 they have and extremely powerful combo which starts with leona jumping on their ADC with Zenith blade (E) and stunning him with shield of daybreak (Q). Than jinx comes into the combo by using flame choppers (E) BEHIND them which means if their ADC wants to escape he has to use flash or their escape abilities (such as tristana's rocket jump (W)). this is a very simple and straight forward combo but the result is insanely strong. if you can pull this off, you guys will be a very strong duo partner

level 6 combo : ho ho ho if you guys can pull off this I guarantee you will get minimum of at least 1 kill 90% of the time (only thing that can stop you is their flash or gank from jungler). so this combo start with leona using her solar flare  (R) on both their support and ADC (if not possible than just go for their ADC) than jinx uses flame choppers (E) behind them, then leona jumps on their ADC with Zenith blade (E) and stuns with shield of daybreak (Q), at this point they are forced to fight or escape with flash.

other advantages to this combo are, jinx is extremely good at destroying towers due to her insane attack speed from mini gun (Q). she can also do tons of AOE damage in team fight with fishbone (Q), and once she has her core items its very hard to kill her 1 VS 1.

leona is one of my favourite support champion, she is very fun to play with and her usefulness never fades. Her ultimate (R) can swing a team fight complete in your favour. she is also very tanky champion once she has some item on her.

the only problem to this combination is MORGANA because this combo relies on hard CC and morgana's shield completely negates it from starting, also her Q is has a very long stun with extremely long range that stops jinx from doing anything. therefore if the opponent team picks Morgana i will recommend you to pick a different combo until Rion nurfs margin's Q.

let me know what you guys think of my opinion. who is you best bot lane combo, leave a comment below also check out my other blogs too, they are pretty interesting.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Best ADC in patch note 5.3 (in my opinions)

Thinking of playing ADC! or looking for a new ADC to play with than read on. i will go over 2 bast ADC that i think are really strong (in patch 5.3) if you can utilise their abilities properly.

original skin
Passive : The range of Tristana's basic attacks,  Explosive Charge (W) and  Buster Shot is increased by 7 × Tristana's level. At level 18, the bonus is 126 (669 total range).

Repid Rire (Q) cooldown : 20 > ACTIVE: Increases Tristana's attack speed for 5 seconds. ATTACK SPEED: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110%

Rocket  Jump (W) : RANGE: 900 > COST: 60 MANACOOLDOWN: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 
ACTIVE: Tristana fires at the ground to propel herself to a target location, dealing magic damage and  slowing surrounding units by 60% for a short duration when she lands.
If Rocket Jump strikes an enemy marked with  Explosive Charge (E)Rocket Jump's damage to all targets is increased by 20%, stacking up to 4 additional times per stack of  Explosive Charge (E) for a maximum 100% increase. Rocket Jump's cooldown resets whenever Tristana gains a kill or assist.

Explosive Charge (E) : RANGE: 543 + (7 × Tristana level) > COST: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 MANa 
COOLDOWN: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12
PASSIVE: Enemies explode when slain by Tristana's basic attacks, dealing magic damage to enemies in a 75-unit radius. ACTIVE: Tristana places an explosive charge on the target enemy or tower. After 4 seconds the charge explodes, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. Tristana's basic attacks against the target will increase Explosive Charge's damage by 25%, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum 100% increase. If the target already has 4 stacks and is attacked or hit by  Rocket Jump (W), the charge will detonate immediately.

Buster shot (R) : RANGE: 543 + (7 × Tristana level) > COST: 100 MANA > COOLDOWN: 100 / 85 / 70
 ACTIVE: Tristana fires a massive cannonball at an enemy unit, dealing magic damage to the unit and  knocking it and surrounding enemies back.

Enough of her abilities so lets talk about why i thinks she is one of the best ADC for patch 5.3. so she recenty got a huge change to her E (check out my blog on : patch5.2 positive changes). she is one of the best late game ADC in league of legends because of her passive which gives her huge range on her auto attack and abilities, meaning she can stay ant the back line dealing tones of dame. lets go over some of her cones which is lack of burst damage, Auto attack reliant means without item she is useless, extremely weak in early game (although its improves a lot due to change to her E), hard to farm with with out static sive or other attack speed items. Lets move on to the positives. she's an extremely mobile ADC due to her ability to cover huge range using rocket jump (W), almost unstoppable in late game once she has all are core items. If you notice i highlighted in bold that her rocket jump resets every time she gets a kill or assist, this is very important because it allows you to jump in to get a kill and jump out again, or keep jumping to clean up the map (a good tristana player would use this very carefully as it has a long cooldown), extremely hard to catch because of her rocket jumps (W) and buster shot (R). finally she is very easy to pick up just need a good support to support her through the early to mid game.

If your feeling adventures why not try AP tristana because every one of her ability scales with AP damage which means you will do tones of burst damage with (W) and (R).

original skin
Fleet of Foot : Sivir gains 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 movement speed for 2 seconds when she hits an enemy champion with her abilities or basic attacks. 

Boomerang blade (Q) : RANGE: 1250 >
COST: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 MANA > COOLDOWN: 9
ACTIVE: Sivir hurls her crossblade to a target location, which then returns to her. Enemies in its path take physical damage, with 15% reduced damage to each subsequent target, down to a minimum of 40%. 

Ricochet (W) : COST: 60 MANA > COOLDOWN: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5

ACTIVE: Sivir's next 3 basic attacks bounce to nearby enemies, dealing a percentage of her attack damage to each additional enemy hit. Only the first target is affected by on-hit effects.

Spell shield (E) : COOLDOWN: 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 ACTIVE: Sivir creates a magical barrier that lasts up to 1.5 seconds, blocking the next enemy ability used on Sivir. If an ability is blocked by the shield, Sivir gains mana.

On the hunt (R) : PASSIVE: Sivir gains bonus attack speed while  Ricochet is active. ACTIVE: Sivir rallies her allies for 8 seconds, granting all nearby allies an initial 60% movement Speed bonus that reduces to 20% after a few seconds.

Many of you may be surprised by this choice but i think saviour is a very strong ADC. if you watch 2015 EU LCS spring you may have already seen many pro players are playing with sivir, that's because sivir can counter any support because of her spell shield (E)( things such as blitz grab (Q), thrash's hook (Q) and morgana's stun (Q) are all use less if timed correctly) and get mana back, so theoretically she will never run-out of mana if you use is correctly (a good sivir will play aggressively when her E is off cool-down). her ultimate (R) is one of the best for team fight because it speeds up your whole team to chase the enemy or use it defensively to retreat. Her (W) is extremely useful for farming or harassing opponent in lane, also she is very easy champion to play with and costs only 450 IP so there is no reason for not trying her out once. 

Do you agree with my list. who is you favourite ADC! leave a comment, i love to know what you guys think also please give me some feedback on ho can i improve my content. until next time bye.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Some time nurfs are good (lets talk about patch note 5.3)

You guys should know by now that every patch notes means few champion getting buffed and many champion getting nurfed, but sometime those nurfs are good news as a whole.

DJ Sona skin
BASE ATTACK DAMAGE : 50.04  52.04
BASE HEALTH : 482.36  497.6
BASE MANA REGENERATION : 9 mana per 5 seconds  8.1 mana per 5 seconds
MANA REGENERATION GROWTH STArT : 0.4 mana per 5 seconds  0.65 mana per 5 seconds
Finally supports getting some love, even if its so small. i know it wont make a huge difference in low level matchs but still I hope people see this and think about playing Sona support next time playing solo queue (probably not)., also i personally think Sona has THE best skin in League of Legends so far (DJ Sona), so just another reason to play support Sona.   


original skin

Conquering Sands (Q) BASE DAMAGE: 75/105/135/165/195 magic damage 65/85/105/125/145 magic damage

Arise! (W) SOLDIER STAB RANGE ~400  ~325 (we're marking them as approximate values because they get very complicated) TOWER BOMB DAMAGE The tooltip values were incorrectly saying +0.6 ability power (it's actually 0.7). 90 + (15 x level) (0.7 ability power)  50 + (10 x level) (0.4 ability power)

i love azir! i love playing with him, i love his his looks and is skins, he brings a new play style in league of Legends, but 1 thing i dont like is playing against. he is such a strong champion on all stages of the game. he can do so much damage with his Q and Auto-attack from soldiers that you will be running back to base faster then master yi with his ultimate. i know he is very difficult campion to master, but once you do you can bully any champion out of lane. that why i agree with toning down this damage a bit (if i be honest he is still a very strong champion). Riot increase his base attack damage which it will be a bit easier to farm now.

original skin

Drain (W) TETHER RANGE : 700  650

Not much to say other then hahaha to all fiddlestick player. it's not a big nurf but it will definitely help fiddle enemy to runaway before sucking away all their health. if you don't know what is W is here is a description (Deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+45% Ability Power) magic damage each second to target unit and heals Fiddlesticks for 60/65/70/75/80% of the damage dealt. Lasts up to 5 seconds.) since its a cannel ability fiddle can't move while using it therefore having a shorter range means his enemy has a chance of getting away with out using flash or other dashing abilities.

Spectre's Cowl
HEALTH REGENERATION : 100% base health regen  150% base health regen

Every tanker or fighter get this item to deal with AP champion. and since Riot is thinking of adding +120 AP damahe item, this should help tanker to deal with AP champions

CAN'T GO HOME IF YOU'RE ON FIRE : Ignite now interrupts champions who attempt to recall while Ignited

hmmm so this is interesting Ignite won't let you recall. i think its a good thing because countless amount of time i Ignite someone and they just use their health potion and start recalling under their turrets, so this chamge will actually make people walk back to the base rather then using a potion and recall, this means you can stay in lane and farm for bit longer (unless jungle ganks)

So guys this was my brief review of Patch 5.3,  let me know what you think of the changes or is there any other changes you liked or disliked in patch note 5.3. 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Patch 5.2 positive changes (in my opinion)

i previously blogged about the changes to mid lane assassins in this patch, which i was really unhappy about but this time lets look at the other side of this patch update. (i am assuming there isn't much to talk about).

New original skin
BASE ARMOR : 24.04  22
BASE HEALTH : 552.76  542.76
Passive - Draw a Bead - RANGE PER LEVEL9  7

Explosive Charge (E)
PASSIVE: Enemies explode when slain by Tristana's basic attacks, dealing magic damage to enemies in a 75-unit radius.
ACTIVE ABILITY : Tristana throws a grenade charge on a target enemy. After 4 seconds, the charge explodes and deals area-of-effect physical damage.
STACKING CHARGES : Every basic attack against a target with Explosive Charge adds an additional stack that increases Explosive Charge's final explosion damage by +25%, stacking up to 4 times (+100% damage). If the target already has 4 stacks and is attacked, the Explosive Charge will detonate immediately.
TALK ABOUT EXPLOSIVE DEJA VU : Using Rocket Jump onto a target with maximum Explosive Charge stacks will detonate the charges immediately
DEMOLITION TRISTANA : Explosive Charge is cast-able on towers and has a larger explosion radius than on a unit
ACTIVE BASE DAMAGE60/70/80/90/100 physical damage
ACTIVE RATIO0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.10 bonus attack damage + 0.5 ability power at all ranks

wow looks daunting when you first look at it right! but lets talk about it step by step. so main changes to Tristana (other then her new look) was her E. Before Tristana used to bleed enemy that did damage over time which was useful for enemy who are running (kind of worked like ignite).  But I personally like this change to her E ( it almost looks unfair). So instead of bleeding enemies she now lunches a boom that stick to enemy champions, minions AND turrets which after 4 second detonates dealing damage, Also this damage increases depending on how many times you auto attacked on the target. This does tremendous amount of damage on all stages of the game, which allow players to pay her in various different ways. she can split push very easily and take out turrets extremely quick or deal tones of damage in team fights while keeping out of range from enemy assassins. A fun thing i like to do on team fights is when enemy tank get too "tanky" and hard to kill, I like to use my E on him auto attack 4 time than use my ulti (R) to knock him back. This makes their tank into a time boom which detonates onto enemy team dealing AOE damage to whole team.

Just in-case you guys never heard of Tristana I will briefly go over her other abilities:
Buster shot (passive) - increases her basic attack range and ability range with every level 
(very straight foreword) 
Rapid Fire (Q) - just increases are attack speed for 5 second (use after her E for increase damage)
Rocket Jump (W) - she leaps to a selected location (extremely good for engaging or disengaging)
Buster Shot (R) - deals huge damage and knocks back enemies anyone behind that champion will 
also be knocked back (kind of works like lee sin's ultimate) (combo with E to make sure enemy doesn't 
run away with little health)

So if you guys are looking to try out a new ADC think about Tristana for a bit because she is a very strong ADC in this current meta (patch5.2), just make sure to ban Lucian. also follow me for any other league of legends information and check out my other bloges, where I talk about best mid lane and riot killing mid lane assassins in patch  5.2 

If u want the full details about Tristana check out :