Saturday, 7 February 2015

Best mid lane assassin (in my opinion)

Following my previous blog about the huge nerf of some of my favourite mid lane assassins, I decided to find 3 new assassin that I personally think are really good for patch 5.2 to bring up the mood a little :)

challenger Ahri skin 
Starting the list with a BANG. Ahri has always been a champion that was close to my hart, she is a really fun champion to play with and some change was made to her kit this patch (mostly good).

Orb of Deception (Q) : Ahri now gains a massive movement speed boost while her orb is traveling that rapidly decays over time

Guys some some news did come with patch 5.2. I really like this new buff because it will allow you to do some really awesome jukes also its very helpful against skill shot champion like xerath, ezreal, le blanc and many more. they cut down the damages on her E but overall I am really happy with this change. guys you should really consider playing Ahri.

original skin
There hasn't been any changes any changes to Yasuo in this patch (5.2) but with the huge nerf on Zed, Akali and Fizz he is shining brightly. I think Yasuo is extreamly good champion for solo queue or pre-made. you can build a whole team around Yasuo such as alaster, lee sin, zyra and many more (basicly any champion with knock-up) goes really well with him, and he provides some good cc and defence with his Q and W. 

sendstorm Katarina skin
So finally, Katarina, personally I don't like this champion because once she is feed its almost impossible to stop her (got some really bad memories playing against her). she also did not get any changes in patch (5.2). personally speaking she needs a stupid nerf like Akali because this champion is just too strong and very easy to pick up.

This is my opinion I would love to know what you guys think, leave your comment bellow and vote who would you pick from these three champion.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Is Riot killing all the mid lane assassin

Guys I don't know if you are aware (probably are) but this new patch (5.2) really hit three of my favourite mid lane assassin very hard. ZED, AKALI AND FIZZ !!!!! 

original skin 
Crescent Slash (E): Crescent Slash no longer detonates Mark of the Assassin
Shadow Dance (R): RANGE 800  700

I can sort of agree with the changes in her ultimate (R) because once she is feed, she can fly and snowball the whole game.

Now to my second point which really annoyed me, changes to her (E). if you main Akali then you know her combo is Q wait a bit then R, Q and E = dead squashy champions. now not being able to detonate mark of assassin using your E means you just cant kill champions as quick, also removal of death fire grasp makes things even worse.

original skin


Now it may not look that bad on first glance but if you think about it, ZED is one of the best champion for split push because he can destroy  turrets extremely quick, but now its very hard to do this. I think riot is trying to make ZED into a caster assassin who uses his abilities to kill rather then auto attacks. I think people need to think of new builds that gives him large damage rather then attack speed. 

original skin
Urchin Strike (Q) DAMAGE : 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage 10/25/40/55/70 (+0.3 ability power) magic damage
Seastone Trident (E) No longer applies Grievous Wounds (ACTIVE ON-HIT DAMAGe) : 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.25 ability power) magic damage  10/20/30/40/50 (+0.0 ability power) + 4/5/6/7/8% missing health as magic damage. PASSIVE DAMAGE OVER 3 SECONDS : 30/40/50/60/70 (+0.35 ability power) (+4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health) over 3 seconds 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.45 ability power) over 3 seconds
what did this little fish do to Riot, look at the huge nerf they made to his kit. First his Q Riot almost half the damage which means he is more reliant on his ultimate to do the damage. NOW look at his E omg its so bad, overall its a lot weaker. if you ever played fizz you know that his laning phase is one of the worst. not being able to apply grievous wounds his laning phase just got even weaker. if ur not fremilier with fizz's previous E, grievous wounds would bleed enemy champions and minions also it scaled up with AP. this means fizz has lost one of his main damage source other then his R. furthermore fizz is a very difficult champion to play with, that's why i wont recommend this champion to new league of legends players because you will just die without dealing any damage.
So guys let me know what you think of the changes. which assassin would you pick for mid lane, and leave you comment. Request for any area you would like me to go over.